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Straightening Your Smile with Cosmetic Dentistry

Are your teeth misaligned? Do you have overlapping or crooked teeth? Did you have braces as a child but didn’t keep up with your retainer, and your teeth shifted back? If your smile is less than its best because of crooked teeth, you have several options to correct your issues.

Orthodontia such as braces or Invisalign can be utilized to straighten your teeth completely. Braces can be worn on the outside or the inside of the arch of your teeth. Braces on the inside are hidden from view when you smile or eat. Invisalign clear trays are options for people who want to be able to remove their appliance to eat and to brush their teeth.

Veneers can be made from porcelain, zirconium or resin composite material to reshape your smile. Veneers are thin shells that are permanently placed on top of your existing teeth. They can smooth the appearance of crooked teeth, bridge gaps, and cover chips and cracks. Veneers can also brighten the color of your teeth or can lengthen worn down teeth, leaving you looking more youthful.

A skilled cosmetic dentist may use a combination of these methods to achieve your dream smile. You may begin your straightening journey with braces to align your teeth followed by tooth-colored resin composite to reshape a malformed tooth. Perhaps you thought you wanted a full set of dental veneers, but once you see your teeth after Invisalign, you might choose only whitening instead. Only you and your cosmetic dentist can make the plan to achieve your ideal results.

If you want to pursue your best smile, talk to your cosmetic dentist today to learn what therapies are right for you and your smile goals. You won’t have to wait very long to begin enjoying the benefits of a healthy, straight smile.

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Is Your Smile Aging You?

The first impression you make on the world often starts with your smile. Dingy, dull, crooked or chipped teeth create the appearance of an “old” smile, making you look older than your actual years. Restoring your smile’s youthful look is an easy way to subtract years from the image you portray to the world. Thanks to advances in modern cosmetic dentistry, your smile can appear as young as you feel.

As tooth enamel thins with age, teeth lose their shine and appear darker. Thin enamel also causes teeth to weaken, making them easier to chip and causing wear and shifting. Cosmetic dentistry offers many procedures and treatments to address these problems and help return your smile to a younger, more vibrant state. Just a few options you may want to consider include:

  • Professional teeth whitening to improve the color of teeth that have been darkened by stains or discolored from age.
  • Porcelain veneers and bonding to correct gaps, chips, and teeth with uneven lengths. Veneers can also reshape teeth, restoring the youthful appearance created by longer teeth. Veneers can also be used to build up your back teeth to support the cheekbones, replacing the fullness lost with aging and giving your face the appearance of a “lift”.
  • Orthodontia with either clear or traditional braces corrects the misalignment caused by teeth that shift as you age.

If your desire is to look as youthful as you feel, cosmetic dentistry may be a perfect solution to address the problems of an aging smile. Many procedures can be completed in as little as one office visit, with little to no recovery time. Consult with a qualified cosmetic dentist to find out how you can achieve a younger, more perfect smile.

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Some Fast Options for Smile Makeovers

Are you looking to improve your smile but you don’t have a lot of time? Have you heard that smile makeovers are invasive and time-consuming? There are many options available to you for your smile makeover that are relatively short and sweet. If you are in good health but want to make improvements to your smile, these fast and easy options may be right for you.

Teeth bleaching (also known as whitening) is an extremely popular and very simple therapy for quickly brightening your smile. Many common foods and drinks we consume daily can slowly dim your smile by discoloring or staining your tooth enamel. Having your teeth whitened by your dentist can lighten your teeth by as many as ten levels in a single office visit, saving you time and effort.

Composite bonding can repair small problems like cracks, chips or irregular shapes in one visit. Bonding is done by hand by your dentist and requires excellent technique and materials, as well as the skill needed to match your natural tooth color.

Perhaps you need a little more extensive work done to achieve your dream smile, but you don’t have the time. Your dentist may be able to offer you a “snap-on” smile. This is a thin appliance that is placed on top of your natural teeth using nothing but your teeth as an anchor – no adhesives are necessary. These snap-on teeth can be made to mimic a celebrity’s teeth, or just better, straighter, whiter versions of your own. They can stay in all day during your regular activities, allowing you to get the benefits of a beautiful smile without the time of a more invasive treatment.

Talk to your dentist today about the treatments you can have done in a single office visit. Your friends, family and coworkers might not be able to immediately identify what “work” you had done, but you can rest assured everyone will notice your change in attitude and your gorgeous smile.

We look forward to seeing you in our Shreveport dental office

Enjoy the Advantages of a Smile Makeover

Do you find yourself fading into the background at social events? Are you overlooked at meetings or in groups of people? Have you noticed that you don’t smile in photos? Are you uncomfortable eating, drinking or speaking because your teeth aren’t their best? Do you look at the beautiful smiles of those around you and wish you could have a similar smile?

When we meet someone for the first time, our smiles are often the first thing anyone notices. If your smile is less than its best, if it’s stained or unsightly, you could be making a bad first impression. These first impressions, whether valid or not, stick with people. A hesitant smile can signal low self-confidence or unhappiness. You could be projecting ill health or a lack of prosperity. Do you look friendly to others, or off-putting?

When you are confident about your smile, you can feel free to smile openly at others or for the camera. You can be more at ease about speaking up in public or at meetings at work. Don’t be stressed about that upcoming presentation or oral report. If you talk to your dentist today, you can begin enjoying the advantages a beautiful and bright smile can bring, beginning with your own self-confidence.

Talking to a cosmetic dentist can begin a path toward a short goal such as teeth whitening, or it can lead you to an orthodontist for alignment issues and orthodontia. Flaws such as cracks, chips or malformation can be easily corrected using resin composite materials. Larger problems such as tooth gaps or missing teeth can be corrected using dental implants or dental bridges. You might be suited for porcelain dental veneers for your therapy, or you may need a crown or two.

Your cosmetic dentist can help you plan for your dream smile. Your treatment might take one or two visits, or it might be ongoing, but beginning this smile makeover journey will never be something you regret. Begin enjoying the advantages a bright smile can bring you, both socially and professionally.

We look forward to seeing you in our Shreveport dental office

Enhance Your Smile: Five Popular Cosmetic Dental Procedures

When you look your best, you exude confidence and grace. A vibrant, white smile can add to the image you convey. Cosmetic dentistry has risen in popularity because it allows people to transform their appearances. Make an appointment with your cosmetic dentist in Shreveport for a consultation to discuss your smile enhancement options. While some patients choose a complete smile makeover, any of the following procedures can take your smile from dull to dynamite.

Teeth Whitening
The aging process as well as lifestyle choices can dull your smile. With teeth whitening, you can remove stains and look years younger. Most dentists recommend professional teeth whitening, which you can accomplish through in-office sessions or take-home kits.

If you have small chips, gaps, or cracks in your smile, your dentist may suggest dental bonding. To repair the damaged area, your dentist will use a tooth-colored resin, which is hardened with a special light. Dental bonding blends in with your natural teeth and restores the look of your smile.

Porcelain Veneers
Created from fine dental porcelain, veneers can totally change your appearance. With porcelain veneers, your dentist can alter the size, shape, and color of your teeth. Depending on your situation, the doctor may suggest custom veneers designed just for your smile, or no-prep veneers, which can be bonded to your teeth but removed at a later time.

Composite Fillings
Over time, metal fillings can crack and seep, causing oral health problems, as well as impacting your smile’s appearance. Tooth-colored fillings are constructed to match your original teeth so they blend in seamlessly. Because they bond to the tooth, composite fillings won’t change shape or leak.

Accelerated Orthodontics
For straighter teeth in three to nine months, consider accelerated orthodontics. Usually, accelerated orthodontics works best for people with mild issues to correct or for those who want to straighten front teeth for an important event like a wedding.

Treat Yourself to a New Smile

The changing seasons can prompt many people to want to change their appearance, perhaps through treating themselves to a brand-new smile. Your dentist in Shreveport can provide a number of different cosmetic dentistry and restorative treatments to help provide a beautifully healthy and natural looking smile.

Cosmetic and Restorative Options
Modern dentistry techniques are extremely sophisticated and your dentist can do a lot to improve your smile. Possible options include porcelain veneers that cover the front surfaces of your teeth, crowns to restore teeth damaged by tooth decay or trauma, dental bonding that helps improve the shape of the tooth in just one easy visit, and enamel reshaping to correct minor issues such as slightly overlapping teeth. Dental implants can be used to replace missing teeth, transforming a gappy smile into something far more pleasing.

Teeth Whitening
Professional teeth whitening can quickly brighten up your smile, creating a youthful and healthy appearance. Your dentist in Shreveport can offer you in-office whitening that will lift the shade of your teeth in just an hour. If you prefer, you can have custom made whitening trays to use at home. Your dentist will provide you with the correct strength of whitening gel to safely bleach your teeth.

Teeth Straightening
It’s never too late to straighten your teeth and adult orthodontics is increasingly popular. Ask your dentist about Invisalign clear braces that will discreetly straighten your smile without really affecting day-to-day activities.

Checkups and Professional Cleanings
Your first step should be to schedule an appointment for a checkup and professional cleaning. Your dentist will need to examine your mouth to make sure your teeth and gums are healthy before carrying out any cosmetic dentistry treatments. They’ll discuss the type of options that might help you, and can compile a treatment plan to improve your smile. A professional cleaning removes tartar buildup and gives your smile an added sparkle. It’s a great treatment for keeping teeth and gums healthy.

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